Site links include: Products, The Magazine, The Store, websites, and more

Designed by a certified building inspector, parts of Code Check (the book) are online. The book was written to go on site to speed work and reduce code violation call-backs and is filled with key, cross-referenced residential construction specs from over 2,500 pages of major U.S. codes. It also covers building, mechanical, plumbing and electrical codes.
The Code Check website is an extensive sample of what is available in the Code Check book. Electrical examples included at this site: sizing electric service, appliances, grounding principles, conduit, swimming pool, questions/answers, and more.

Edison Electric Institute Online
EEI Online offers subscriptions for daily news coverage of: CNG Energy Index, Daily Energy News, Daily Financial News, Daily Index, Electric Utility Restructuring Activity Newsletter, News Archive.

Electrical Contractor Magazine
Electrical Contractor magazine sponsors this website. They promise that the information here will not be a duplicate of what is contained in the print magazine.

Megawatt Daily is the comprehensive daily electricity publication for utilities, brokers, generators, traders, marketers, end users and others who buy, sell or otherwise participate in the electric industry. Enhanced web services, e-mail web services and index/prices guides all require a subscription or fee. Free services links include: Today’s Megawatt Daily Headlines, coming events, career opportunities, tools of the trade, and more.