Contractors Labor Pool (CLP) CLP offers steady year-round work as well as seasonal work to quality workers in almost every trade at all skill levels. CLP pays competitive wages weekly and offers health and dental benefits and other bonus incentives.

ConstructionJobs.com is an employment job board and resume database built exclusively for the construction, design and building industries. Includes free resume posting and job searching for candidates, and recruitment tools for employers.

Monster Board
Search more than 50,000 jobs worldwide. Links to: job search, resume builder, events, products and services, seminars, and more.

Accubid Systems
Accubid Systems provides powerful yet easy-to-use estimating and billing software to enhance the productivity of electrical and mechanical contractors. Links offered include: products/services, education, and more.

Aspen Academic Suite
Aspen makes available to colleges and universities, for educational purposes, an “Academic Suite” of ASPEN software. The Academic Suite consists of the OneLiner, Power Flow and Line Constants Programs. Site links to: news, user downloads, demos, employment opportunities, and more.

Maker of software for calculating electrical service loads for all types of occupancies; adheres to the requirements of the National Electrical Code. Two free trial runs of full versions are now available for evaluation.